
93 Game Reviews w/ Response

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I think you just mean "Windows 11".

That was a joke about Winows 11 being not very good. As for the game, I feel like there need to be more interesting things to do. Like a little animation inside of adobe animate would have been cool. I also think more icons should have been clickable, such as the ones in the taskbar.

vendettathevhsdvr responds:

it is but the badly made

Hard to see platforms sometime, has a lot of charm though.

Yura11105 responds:

Some platforms are same color as background. It's a feature. Thanks for positive feedback.

I understand this was made in 20 minutes, but it's really short at the moment. I actually like the idea of a dollar store Geometry Dash, and your version plays really well. It's just not long enough.

Diruiz responds:

I agree. The main problem is that, in the stress of a timer, I made the level design in a really unoptimized way which took twice as long as it normally would've, leading to the accursed short game. Either way, thanks for playing!

merical bal

Great work. Short, simple, and does exactly what it sets out to do. Music fits surprisingly well.

Basically64 responds:

tyy!! it's getting alot of new features in the final 2.0.0 (some may end up removed later on), this is a really old build from june!! i'm glad you like it!!

Good, the art style is adorable, but there's nothing stopping you from camping the center and spamming E. Maybe it would be better if the stars occasionally avoided you instead of bouncing around randomly.

CYBERVEWNN responds:

thank you for playing!

and yes i know i just made it for casual use lmaoo

Needs more polish. I got stuck on the wall, tanks spawn on top of you, and my score continued to go down infinitely.

bychox responds:

ta mne pohui bl

Some UI issues here and there, but pretty fun. Kinda sad that you can't actually buy the shotgun, I clicked for a long time.

donkymongseb responds:

Okay, I will see what's wrong with the game. Thanks for your review!

Basically unplayable because of the difficulty. Also, it's annoying to have to reload each and every time you die, because you die a lot.

limexis responds:

mayb i need nerf game?

Trust Not The System.

Also known as "Questtrek".

I make art and occasionally games.


I always try to give the best feedback possible.

I am open to playtesting if you want another opinion.

Death to AI!

Feel free to PM me about anyting.


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