
255 Game Reviews

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Fun, decent level design, but the game is sorely held back by the platforming physics. I would get caught on weird ledges, or the character wouldn't jump for some reason (I was using Rad). I tried another playthrough with the Banana Car, but the physics issues only increased with the high speed. The coins feel like they also have collision, which is odd. I would give this more time, but I I only made to the second level (on both characters) before receiving a game over. The menu music is also a little annoying, but that's just my opinion; others may think it's fine. On a positive note, the UI and story sections are really well made. They look and feel great. Also, the AI opponent is fairly advanced, jumping between platforms and collecting coins instead of just sliding across the backdrop (like I have seen with some other games).

All in all, this demo has great potential, but it's good level design and concept is overshadowed by suboptimal physics. I still look forward to a completed game.

St4rryQueen responds:

Yea, the menu music was made by me, and I’m probably gonna replace it with some royalty free song. I’ll def work on the physics as well, thanks for your feedback! :)

Yeah I got the bad ending...

I can see a lot of emotions went into this, and I can honestly say that a lot of it really resonated. Only feedback is that it's a little short and that one character's... uhhh.. actions... seem a little out of left field. More context over a longer period would have been nice for explaining why this character did what they did. Art style is excellent, perfect use of Godot too.

DonavinDraws responds:

Thanks for the feedback, it's all appreciated :]

Yeah, it kinda relies on pre-existing oc knowledge, some of which isn't even public.
The emotional parts are genuine themes I want to hit with my actual characters though, and seeing you resonate with them even in this context gives me motivation.

As for the ending coming out of nowhere, that was completely intentional. I wanted that from the start cuz that character acting like that is a running joke I have that I wanted to throw in cuz it's weird. (though it would've had more context if I had gotten all the content I wanted in time)

Just a heads up, it would be better if you set the red dot to start at a set position away from the restart button, as if it spawns too close, you lose instantly.

Seems interesting, but buggy physics make this game unfun and borderline unplayable. Why do you move so fast? I don't think I used the grappler more than once because of how easy it is to fly across the level. Also, why is it so wide?

If this is an April Fools Day joke, bravo, because this is infuriating.

Edit: I just looked at your other games, and yes, this is an April Fools Day joke. This was pretty genius, however, my original review still stands, as this is awful to play regardless if it's just a clever joke.

loglot responds:

lmao, i made this version to be absolutly horrible to play

While I understand this is a demo, this really needs more substance than a single (very short) level.

Awful grinding sound (hard to describe), and the Tardigrades (and amoebas) would freeze up or not respond at all.

Luckythespacecat responds:

Thanks for leaving a review, I appreciate it.

2 questions
Did the grinding sound only appear when 1 of your tardigrades is a wizard?
And what do you mean by freeze up, like wouldn't attack, stopped floating?

This is a great great game with good voice acting and lore. However, I have some feedback. There's some gameplay elements that seem unfair. Getting Iye and One Eye on the same door is impossible to survive. Also, everything that appears in the door is aggravated by clicking, which means that even if I try to aim my flashlight at One Eye, I'll probably die anyway because I was clicking to get through the open door.

31hashtag responds:

it is actually possible to deal both Iye and One Eye on the same door, since their appearances should be staggered, and since Iye only kills if the flashlight is on and directed at it when it reaches the doorway, or when you enter the door when it's there.

I also like the game. Nice simple design, pretty good platforming physics too. That doesn't change the fact that the music is atrocious though; please add a mute button in game.

Kiwsety responds:

Thanks to the review!
Don't work too much on the background music. I don't like it either, it's very stressful. I'll add that button!

Solid game, good platforming. Wall jumping mechanic feels awkward, but it is still playable.

Trust Not The System.

Also known as "Questtrek".

I make art and occasionally games.


I always try to give the best feedback possible.

I am open to playtesting if you want another opinion.

Death to AI!

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