
255 Game Reviews

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Again, same problem as the last eclipse game; there is very little here. It would be nice if there were some actual effort in this. It's not that difficult to create a branching story with a few different paths. There needs to be more.

Also, is this all AI generated? What was created by you, and what was just copied from ChatGPT?

kai1991 responds:

Chatgpt Did Mostly Some of The Coding While I Grabbed The images And audio from the internets

No story, saw everything there was to see in under a minute. This game would be great if there was simply more, but at the moment, there isn't much to see.

Great game, with a great style. I gave up on level 9 though, as I was tired of walking all the way back across and immediately failing on the first wall spike. The animated tutorial guy is great, and controls are solid too. Not a huge fan of shift and d to dash, but it's okay I guess. Jump sounds are a little jarring for a game that looks this ambient.

Great game. Definitely one of the better Construct 3 games I've seen on Newgrounds. Music amped up in intensity at the same time as the difficulty. Not sure if this is a limitation of the engine, but a restart button really should be included for a game on Newgrounds. Thanks for the warning about the walls. I survived two minutes.

doodledkidere responds:

thanks! with how i set the events in the C3 file, it's pretty reliant on how many seconds its been since the project started playing, so i found it easier to ask for a refresh to get everything to a clean state. i'll see if i can add a proper restart button sometime in the future though

NotITG Vibes.

Ah yes, Lemonwire. My favorite music service.

Fun minigame. Hard to control though; most of the time I didn't even stretch the function.

The buttons aren't doing anything, and the footage behind is just looped from the Blair Witch Project trailer.

The source for anyone who's curious:

kai1991 responds:

dude the reason why its from the blair witch project trailer is becuz i couldnt find a good fake torture video

Woah! I think I found a secret area (:

Trust Not The System.

Also known as "Questtrek".

I make art and occasionally games.


I always try to give the best feedback possible.

I am open to playtesting if you want another opinion.

Death to AI!

Feel free to PM me about anyting.


Joined on 4/8/21

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