Better, but this could really use more levels. Also, I would recommend updating the first game, instead of uploading an entire new one.
Better, but this could really use more levels. Also, I would recommend updating the first game, instead of uploading an entire new one.
Great game! It's a simple concept that works well. Biggest complaint is the lack of difficulty. In other jumping games (such as Doodle Jump), it progressively becomes more challenging as you ascend. This is just the same platforms repeating over and over again, with a rocket which you can avoid every time. To increase difficulty, introduce new platforms that work differently or increase the spawning of the rocket over time. The sky also lacks detail. One thing that works perfect is the gameplay. It's fluid and fun.
You just shoot. There's no intensity or challenge, and it just gets boring pretty quickly. The default "large display" counter at the top feels unpolished. The pointer is not very accurate, or the hitboxes of the "nibs" is just weird.
Also, the background is scarily similar to a schoolhouse which uhhhh... isn't the greatest idea for a few reasons.
Edit: For the counter, try this: The counters I've made in the past were a lot simpler than this, but you could adapt this.
Hey sorry I am currently working as we speak on a new version just waiting on background art and I think that's pretty much it. I will try to fix the hitboxes but I don't know if I'll be able to. Also the counter I don't really know how to edit it's just a Scratch variable. But I promise I will try.
P.S. The background was a random stock background. I'm sorry for that one a background is being worked on.
Difficult. Some bugs when going between levels. I think I got into an area I wasn't supposed to. One of the better Construct 3 Games I've seen. Instructions would be nice.
if you went to a gold pipe that was a secret level, I havent really made a way to get out. and thank you for the review
What am I fighting? What is going on exactly? This just feels like a random collection of sprites.
cuz it is >:D
Good style, fairly fun to play. Not sure if I like the "hold to land" mechanic, as I instinctually held to jump higher on my first game, but I don't know if others will have that issue.
Pretty polished, but it needs more videos.
Already had higher hopes with the loading screen animation. I don't understand most of this, but there was a lot of effort put into this. There's so much to pick through. This was really creepy.
Love when people use Scratch like this.
Clicking is sluggish. Sometimes there's a delay, and I feel like you should be able to buffer clicks (holding jump before the ground, and the character doing so once it reaches the ground). Art style is okay. Music is good too.
Trust Not The System.
Also known as "Questtrek".
I make art and occasionally games.
I always try to give the best feedback possible.
I am open to playtesting if you want another opinion.
Death to AI!
Feel free to PM me about anyting.
Joined on 4/8/21