
826 Audio Reviews

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One of my favorite tracks by you so far. The song has so much energy and personality. (My only complaint is that it isn't long enough, but that's just me being selfish.) It's like the start of something incredible. I want to play this song and run through the wind, letting my hair and all my problems flow behind me.

Hyenaedon responds:

Might try extending some of the better (or more popular) songs I do for Jamuary, thanks for the review!

This is peaceful.
Sometimes the best places are out of our reach,
But other times, they're not too far.
You just have to know where to look.

Bouncy. It has the perfect sense of urgency you need with a good boss fight.

This is smooth. As for the name, Magic Train works perfect. It's if pixels and chiptune music themselves could power a locomotive.

This is excellent! It's simultaneously both cryptic and chill. 10/10, well worth the listen.

I love that buildup toward the end. Amazing, as usual.

I wish this was the original song; it's amazing.

Alyxandr responds:

That is an incredibly nice compliment! Thank you!!! πŸ₯ΊπŸ₯ΊπŸ₯ΊπŸ₯ΊπŸ₯ΊπŸ₯ΊπŸ₯ΊπŸ₯ΊπŸ₯ΊπŸ’πŸ’πŸ’

Mmmmm, very chill.

trevor8 responds:


I don't know why, but this feels grand. I think that's the best way to put it.

Sir, I'm sorry to contact you at this hour, but it's urgent. There's been an incident at the lab. The experiment escaped. I know what you're gonna say, that it's done this before, and you'd be right in saying that, but this time it's different, I swear. We don't really know what's happening, but we think it's... evolving. It's evading capture and demonstrating levels of cognition like we've never seen before. I just wanted to inform you that everything's mostly under control at the moment, and as of-

*crash noise*

What the hell was that? I'm sorry, I'm going to have to call you back, but I'll see you in the morning. Probably. Take care.

*call ends*


All jokes aside, this song rocks! The ambience behind the quieter industrial-ish beaks is incredible. Every second of the song is interesting and layered beautifully. I look forward to hearing more of your music!

YoriYakuza responds:

That's some pretty good song lore! Seems like it would fit perfectly. Thank you for the appreciation, I'm hoping to update it with an Argent Compressor and some more industrial drums, to make the mix as epic as possible. Stay tuned!

Trust Not The System.
β €
Also known as "Questtrek".
β €
I make art and occasionally games.
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β €
I always try to give the best feedback possible.
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I am open to playtesting if you want another opinion.
β €
Death to AI!
β €
Feel free to PM me about anyting.


Joined on 4/8/21

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