They're adorable! Just nibling on dat brownie.
What looms behind?
Amazing! Color choice was excellent. What did you use to make it?
hello!!! thank you very much! any blue pigment will work, i think it depends on the texture you want to end up with. For this specific one i used a dilluted deep blue ink and a drop of light blue acrylic, which i then sprayed onto the canvas using an empty perfume bottle. For a more textured finish, i recommend dilluting some gouache instead of ink or acrylic paint!
I love it! Welcome to Newgrounds!
He just vibing.
Love the style of everything. Those colors are beautiful.
Unnerving. There is nothing behind those eyes.
Why did I just wake up in the desert with Mark Zuckerberg?
Why are they sad? Help them...
Welcome to Newgrounds btw, you're a great artist.
I don't know why, maybe they just need a hug?
Thank you!
Trust Not The System.
Also known as "Questtrek".
I make art and occasionally games.
I always try to give the best feedback possible.
I am open to playtesting if you want another opinion.
Death to AI!
Feel free to PM me about anyting.
Joined on 4/8/21