The best kind of guitar solo.
The best kind of guitar solo.
Strange. That's the best way I can describe this song, and don't mean in a good way. The mixing is off and everything feels muddy. The guitar (trumpet?) thing in the background is off-putting and unpleasant to listen to. Your older music sounds better, in my opinion.
i might've overused the filters and re-sampled the sample a few times beyond recognition.. so this makes sense.. thing in the background was me trying to get that Mallsoft effect.. maybe i should stop self-doubting and stop overthinking things and instead go back to just going with the flow.. this same problem also seems to occur with my last album..
Simple, but I like it. The little melody in the middle of it is nice, even if it's a little awkward in other spots.
This is pretty bad. It feels more like random dubstep elements thrown ontop of each other at random than a cohesive track. Basic rhythms would help a lot.
it is indeed terrible!
Trust Not The System.
Also known as "Questtrek".
I make art and occasionally games.
I always try to give the best feedback possible.
I am open to playtesting if you want another opinion.
Death to AI!
Feel free to PM me about anyting.
Joined on 4/8/21