
826 Audio Reviews

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Loved this trailer, love the game, and I love the little toppat theme bleeding through. Perfect.

I actually find the beginning of this song very peaceful (shut up, I'm not making a GD reference). I kind of wish that same original tune was more pronounced throughout the rest of the song, but regardless, the rest of the song is amazing too.

Catchy song! It feels a bit repetitive in places, but that's my only complaint. Overall it's just a great track.

P.S. Love the new name, it's much more creative and just sounds so cool!

Good chiptune. I love how upbeat it is. Autumn feels like the perfect name for it too. (:

Intense and somehow nostalgic. I need to fight a dark wizard to this song.

Catpocalypse responds:

Go get that wizard!

Despite being made by 26 people, it still manages to all work together perfectly.

I agree, this should be played at high volume!

Preds responds:


I love the dark energy this song emanates, both from the lyrics and the perfect synths.

Making it to the knockout round was deserved, this rocks! Immediately hooked when I heard the first few seconds.

The lyrics are very clever. The story you told is such a relatable feeling, perfectly wrapped in the metaphor of an NPC. I feel the same way much of the time. While I don't want to achieve anything grand in my life, I still want to grab the controller and do something. But every time I try to reach for it though, it always feels too far away, or I just lack the motivation to grab it, or do anything for that matter. Honestly, simply "moving on" is hard enough as it is. I hate the lane that I'm in, yet I stick to it, because I can't find a way to do anything else. All in all, these lyrics are powerful in the way they convey emotion and the universal experience of depression.

My only criticism is that I wish there was a bit more instrumentation (or at least something different) at 1:09. Then again, I'm not sure something different (or a drop) would really benefit the track, as it might defeat the purpose of the mellow tone. I'm not a musician or a composer though, so I really don't know.

Other than that though, this is a great piece! I look forward to seeing more of your work in the future. Thank you for this song.

DJ-AfterBurnz responds:

Thank you…I’m sorry I haven’t been able to deliver to your expectations… I’m Not the best. I just want to make stuff to help my depression.

Trust Not The System.

Also known as "Questtrek".

I make art and occasionally games.


I always try to give the best feedback possible.

I am open to playtesting if you want another opinion.

Death to AI!

Feel free to PM me about anyting.


Joined on 4/8/21

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