Is something watching?
Is something watching?
Anything could
Those colors pop!
Thanks, I saturated it a bunch in post-production with Photoshop.
Amazing! Color choice was excellent. What did you use to make it?
hello!!! thank you very much! any blue pigment will work, i think it depends on the texture you want to end up with. For this specific one i used a dilluted deep blue ink and a drop of light blue acrylic, which i then sprayed onto the canvas using an empty perfume bottle. For a more textured finish, i recommend dilluting some gouache instead of ink or acrylic paint!
Why are they sad? Help them...
Welcome to Newgrounds btw, you're a great artist.
I don't know why, maybe they just need a hug?
Thank you!
Wow, that's a massive improvement! Adorable outfit btw (:
thank youuu ^w^
I love the part when she says "SCaR let.ScOurge you mUst EnJoy It"
So inspirational.
The bulging dress veins and the foot thumb were a nice touch.
Can't wait to see this when it his theaters in 2025!!!!🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
Thanks a lot! Rufus really is my greatest inspiration so I wrote that little message for him in binary on the right hand side to thank him for completing cinema forever.
What exactly was changed? This still looks mostly AI generated. Sure, some proportions changed (a lot), but the fur and the awkward tail thing are still there and unchanged. To answer your question, yes it does look better, but I feel like you left too much of the residual AI elements in it, none of which looked really good.
It's not easy to really edit/draw on top of an AI piece, this was also posted a long time ago. I think with my current art skills if I ever tried to do another edit I'm sure I will be able to edit a LOT more since this was my first time trying it. Thx tho!
Super mushrooms doing their magic.
It all makes sense now!
Love the evolution of ponies into eldritch deer beasts, keep it up (:
All the other doodles are sweet too.
Pushing that E rating as far as Cars 2 pushed "rated G".
Still amazing though.
Wasn't sure if I wanted to put this as T cause of it just being how the character is designed in the anime, and since the focal point isn't really too focused on the outfit I decided to keep it on E :p
Trust Not The System.
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Also known as "Questtrek".
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I make art and occasionally games.
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I always try to give the best feedback possible.
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I am open to playtesting if you want another opinion.
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Death to AI!
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Feel free to PM me about anyting.
Joined on 4/8/21